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The Joys & Struggles of Homeschooling

Homeschooling is truly a blessed adventure! If you are new to homeschooling, I want to congratulate you on making the choice to educate your child from home. There will be many days of laughter and joy as you watch your children learn and grow.

But just as there will be many joyous days, there will also be days of overwhelming anxiety! Whether you’re a single mom or not, you can rest assured that the Lord will guide you in your efforts as a homeschooling mom. You’re not alone.

Our Homeschool Journey Begins

We began homeschooling when my oldest was almost 2 years old, and my second to the oldest was just a tiny baby. Incidentally, both of them have graduated (my oldest son in 2017, and my daughter in 2018). Oh, how I wish they could be little again…sniff, sniff).😢😢

daughter's graduation

Those were the days…a toddler, a newborn, and a new homeschooling mom. Life was grand!

But then…another child came along. Then another. And here I was–a dedicated, committed, full-time mom & teacher to these four little people God had entrusted to me. Yikes!!!😬

With all the diaper changes, nursing one baby while teaching another how to read, preparing meals, doing laundry, and so forth…needless to say–homeschooling had became more difficult at this point.

Are You Crazy???

I have to be perfectly honest with you–there were countless days in those early years that I would ask myself…Are you CRAZY??!! WHAT ON EARTH WERE YOU THINKING??!!

I began to realize the awesome responsibility I had to nurture my kids ALL DAY, EVERYDAY! And not only that, but it became very clear to me that I was responsible for their education.

kids saying the pledge

Every subject. Every lesson. All things academic (I didn’t know Google existed back then). This was a sobering thought–one that I didn’t take lightly.

So instead of folding in the towel on the difficult days when my kids were younger, we kept going. Instead of putting them on the next yellow bus that drove by (trust me…there were days!), I decided to pull my “big girl” pants up and get to work!

basket of laundry

In the midst of all the dirty laundry, dishes, meals to prepare, a husband to tend to, and lessons to plan–homeschooling continued. As I reflect on all the happy days, and days of sorrow throughout our journey–I’m so glad we did. I’m thankful God has allowed us to continue to homeschool even in our hard times.

Homeschooling…More Than Academics

In the midst of all the joys of watching my kiddos have those, “Aha” moments, we’ve also had moments of tears over fractions, algebra, writing reports, and other academic challenges.

But besides the academic struggles we may have encountered during the years we’ve homeschooled, our family has experienced many, many trials–heartaches that would make you want to call it quits.

home school blog graphic

I know only God has gotten us through. We’ve dealt with several serious issues–beginning with my separation in 2007 (which ultimately led to divorce years later), my failing health back in 2012 (which I was officially diagnosed with fibromyalgia fibromyalgia in 2016), financial struggles, parenting struggles of raising kids as a single mom (especially during the teen years), a troubled teen, and the list goes on!

What is Your WHY?

Let me ask you this question: What do you do when homeschooling is not going the way you planned or envisioned? How do you respond when the going gets tough in your homeschool? When the pressure is on, and the heat is turned up, do you feel like quitting? If you do, don’t worry! You’re absolutely normal. I’m right there with you.

Girl reading a book

I challenge you today to remember your WHY for homeschooling. We all have different reasons why we began our journey.

I began homeschooling because I believed (and still do despite all the obstacles) that God had called me to teach, guide, and instruct my children in the ways of the Lord…that it was ultimately my job to be that mom who would practice Deuteronomy 6:5-7 with my children each day–all throughout the day.

Seek God’s Face

Let’s face it…Life is hard. Homeschooling is hard. Child-rearing is hard. But guess what? If you feel like God has called you to the task, He will see you through whatever difficulty you will face in your homeschooling journey. Notice I said, “will face.” I didn’t say, “might face.”

In life, you WILL have struggles. You will have both mountains, and valleys to go through. And so will your homeschool. The key to success in homeschooling–in the joys, and in the struggles–is to seek God’s face EVERY SINGLE DAY, FOR EVERY SITUATION!

In light of all that our family and homeschool has faced over the years–I truly believe, and stand on what God’s Word says, I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me (Philippians 4:13, KJV). It’s not how well I do this or that. It is all about what Christ is doing through me, and our homeschool. Our homeschool is not perfect. Our family is not perfect. But we serve a perfect Savior.

One Last Word of Advice

To the new homeschooling mom…keep your eyes on the Lord! To those of you who are veterans feeling as though you are wounded soldiers in the battle (I’m speaking to the choir right here)…keep your eyes on the Lord. Seek His face day by day, and enjoy this beautiful journey. Embrace the joys…and struggles of homeschooling.😊

Are you new to homeschooling? Are you a weary veteran homeschool mom on the brink of despair? Hang in there! Even though there are many days of joy and struggles on this homeschooling journey, it will be all worth it in the end. Keep your focus on Christ & find strength in His Word.

If this post has helped you, I’d love to hear from you. Until next time… Happy Parenting!❤️