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How to Heal When You’ve Been Wounded

Has your divorce left you feeling torn, discouraged, and wounded? It has taken God’s grace to get me to where I am now in my life.

I cannot begin to tell you the pain I have felt as a result of years of separation, and now divorce, from the man I loved with all my heart. The moment my ex-husband told me he was leaving our family, my heart was completely crushed! I felt so heavy–so grieved inside. It was as though my entire world–all my hopes and dreams were shattered. I was wounded!


What Ever Happened to “Happily Ever After?”

As a little girl, I always pictured myself holding hands–taking long walks with my very best friend (my future husband).

couple walking on the beach, wounded post

Holding hands and long walks with your spouse are wonderful ways to enjoy each other’s company ( I’m a firm believer in date days with your honey!).

My naiveté towards marriage caused me to view our relationship as a fairy tale, “happily ever after” Disney type of romance. Much to my surprise, I quickly realized marriage was tough! It takes pure unconditional love (godly love) from both the husband and wife, in order to have a successful marriage.

Real marriages cannot be compared to those you see on the “Big Screen.” In many fairy tale movies, you never see the couple after the wedding bells have ceased to ring. You simply see the wedding take place, and then…The End! That’s all you see.

just married sign, wounded post

You never see the dreams. You never see the struggles. And you never see the victories. There’s so much more to marriage than that. I only wish I had known more about marriage before I said, “I do.” Nevertheless, God has taught me so many valuable lessons along this journey–lessons I wouldn’t have learned otherwise, had I not gone through the pain of divorce. For this, I am very grateful. 🙂

Broken & Wounded by Divorce

When I walked down the aisle in May of 1999, I never dreamed 8 years later I would be raising my four little children as a single mom. I felt so torn apart. I felt wounded!😢

How could I forgive a man who abandoned us?  Could I heal from the brokenness of my failed marriage? Will I ever be able to teach my daughter how to be a good, godly wife if my marriage didn’t last? These were questions I would play out in my scattered mind (and still surface from time to time).

Sad woman

But God! All I can say is…I thank God for grace! It’s all because of this grace that I can forgive my ex-husband for the pain he’s put our family through. I know without a doubt, that if I weren’t anchored upon the Rock (Jesus Christ), this ship would have sunk beyond rescue!

Bitterness would eat me up like a canker. I refuse to be bitter. It takes a daily cleansing in the Word of God and in seeking the Lord’s face through prayer, that true healing can begin.

God’s Way of Healing the Wounds of Divorce

If you’ve ever gone through a divorce, there is almost always some level of hurt or pain involved. You must decide today to give it to the Lord. I Peter 5:7 says, “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.”

Divorce is too much for you to handle on your own. Each day, you must rely on God’s strength to carry you through. Let the joy of the Lord be your strength (Nehemiah 8:10).

choose joy calligraphy, wounded post
Photo Credit: @caritapapier on Instagram (my daughter!)

Regardless of my circumstances, I am resolved to be a victor instead of a victim! Through Christ, I can do all things (Philippians 4:13). I serve a God who heals the broken. Christ has already been to Calvary. Praise the Lord for that! He took my sin, my pain, and the sins of all mankind (including my ex-husband), and nailed them to the cross–once for all!

It’s because of His great sacrifice that today, I stand forgiven. And it’s because of this forgiveness that I am able to forgive others no matter how much they’ve hurt me. Jesus has forgiven me, so now I can forgive others.

I’m so glad I know Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior! What a joy to know I can run to His Word (the water) to find cleansing (Ephesians 5:26), and to have the Holy Spirit as my comforter (the ointment). The Holy Spirit calms and heals my broken spirit (John 14:16-21). I thank God for being my healer.😊

Are you feeling wounded by the pain of divorce? Do you need God’s supernatural healing today? Only the Love of Christ can heal your broken heart completely. Wounded Mama…let the Lord heal you TODAY!

Feel free to drop me a line or two if this post has helped you. I’d love to hear from you. Until next time…Happy Parenting! ♡


  1. Carla Doria Medina

    August 30, 2016 at 1:24 am

    […] The posts I liked the most was from singlemommy4.wordpress.com: “Heal you’ve wounded” […]

    1. Angela

      August 30, 2016 at 1:47 am

      Thanks Carla! I’m learning to give my pain to Jesus. He is the great healer! I pray I can be a blessing to other hurting women. God bless you!

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