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A Single Mom’s Faith Journey

As I gaze upon life’s journey as a single mom (both the good and the bad), I marvel at the goodness of God, in spite of my faults–my weaknesses. The older I get, the more I realize just how much I need the Lord. Faith is exactly what I need to help me face the uncertainties of life.

This life has so many things which can knock a Christian off kilter. We have to have faith in our journey. Faith first in the saving grace of Jesus Christ. After salvation, we must continue to walk by faith, and not by sight.

Life will indeed knock you down. That’s inevitable. The question is, will you stay down? Only you can determine whether you’re going to allow faith to dominate your life instead of fear, or allow fear to overtake you.

midlife mom

What is Faith?

According to the Bible, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). Putting it plain and simple, faith is trusting God instead of ourselves (trusting in His Word and the Holy Spirit’s leading in our lives), even if we don’t see the outcome. God’s desire is that we possess simple, child-like faith.

Stop Complaining, and Start Trusting!

I can honestly tell you ladies that I am not an expert on this topic. I’m miles away from where I need to be. So many times I fail God with my lack of faith and confidence in Him. Instead of trusting, I worry, fret, and complain! I may not do it audibly, but I know (and God definitely knows) when I’m complaining. It’s a miserable time in my life when I don’t trust the Lord as I should.

With all this said, I am resolved to purposely trust God everyday. I want to please the Lord in every area of my life (my Christian walk, parenting, leading others, etc.). I realize the only true way to please the Lord is to trust Him.

My goal in life is to have complete confidence in God’s ability to lead and guide me every step of the way. That’s the kind of faith I desire to have! And you know what ladies? I pray that is your desire too. Don’t forget who’s watching. Our children model our behavior. If they see a pattern of faithlessness in our lives, they will develop the same habit.

And not only for our children’s sake, but for ours as well (not to mention others around us). We must purpose in our hearts to let faith be our teacher. Learn to trust the Lord fully. It is then, and only then that we can have everlasting joy and peace that only God can give.

Bible Faith Still Works Today

At the beginning of the new year, the Lord led me to begin studying Hebrews chapter eleven–the wonderful faith chapter of the Bible.

In my study, I was encouraged by the accounts of great godly men and women mentioned in this chapter. Though they were different in many ways, they all had one key thing in common–they lived by faith. They just took God at His Word, even if they could not see the end result. And in the end, they were blessed and God was glorified.

We still serve the same God as these precious saints did during the Bible days. God is still pleased with His people exercising faith in our day and age.

What power, and what conviction this is to me. Needless to say, I have a long way to go in my faith journey, but praise be to God, I’m a work in progress! ☺

My Faith Declarations

In the process of my walk through Hebrews eleven, God began to prick my heart. I began writing down things in my own personal life that I need to trust God for.

Here are just a few of my faith declarations (not necessarily in order, but you get the point).❤

By Faith I will…

  • Trust God to heal my body completely (fibromyalgia, midlife problems, etc).
  • Trust God to increase my finances to continue supporting my family and giving to others in need.
  • Be a better witness for the Lord.
  • Trust the Lord that my children will serve Him all the days of their lives.
  • Marry a godly man who loves the Lord above all others.☺
  • Trust the Lord to give my children godly spouses.
  • Trust the Lord to help me be an encouragement to many moms through my blog.
  • Not let discouragement rob me of my joy.
  • Overcome my fears.
  • Become the best mom I can be for my kiddos.
  • Be a light to those in darkness.
  • Pray more fervently.
  • Continue my homeschooling journey (three down, one more to go!).
  • Be a godly grandmother.
  • Leave a legacy for my children and grandchildren.

There you have it! These are my hopes, dreams, and aspirations. I dare not do these things in my own strength and abilities. I must operate in faith, trusting in God alone.

Me with pink shirt

Ok girls, now it’s your turn! Try to come up with your own list of things you want to accomplish by faith. Remember…God has a plan for your life Mama, and He wants you to trust Him in every way. Trust me…He knows what’s best for you.

So in the words of my teenagers…I have hashtag “Goals!”😀

How is your faith journey? Are you sailing high in the your faith walk, or just barely trudging along? Don’t feel bad if you’re not where you would like to be. That’s exactly where God wants you be to be. He wants you to rely on Him and not yourself.

Feel free to leave a comment. I’d love to hear from you. Until next time…Happy Parenting!❤

  1. Elisabeth

    September 28, 2019 at 5:30 am

    This is great! Thank you! Sharing.

    1. angelawp

      September 28, 2019 at 6:17 pm

      Thanks Elisabeth!😊

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