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Go Ahead…Smile!

Do you ever find yourself wondering how a person can go through horrible situations in life and still manage to keep a smile on their face every time you see them? In a world full of chaos and sadness, sometimes the last thing you want to do is smile.

If your life is anything like mine, a simple scream will suffice on most days. Or maybe even curling up in a ball in a corner eating junk food for days!

My life consists of so many ups and downs, but God always reminds me that He is alive and well, and He is always there (Hebrews 13:5). When I’m feeling low, God speaks in His still small voice and says to me, “Go ahead…smile! Everything is going to be okay.”

Lady smiling in red pants

God Is Good Even When We Can’t Understand

It’s often difficult to focus on the positive things in life such as: a roof over our head, food to eat, decent clothes to wear, and healthy children when we feel as though our world has been turned upside down! Our vision becomes clouded by the trials of life.

My quote

We often forget just how good God has been to us when we always cast our eyes on the unfortunate circumstances that comes our way. God is always good, even when we can’t understand what’s going on in our lives.

Everyone Goes Through Trials

Difficulties will come whether you like it or not.  You are not exempt from trials. The Bible says that God sends rain on the just and on the unjust (Matthew 5:45). This simply means that whether you are a Christian or not, you will experience storms throughout life. Everyone goes through trials in some capacity, and you and I are included in the “everyone.”

As I mentioned before, you will go through trials–that’s a fact. The question is, how will you deal with those trials when they come? Will you wallow in despair as though God has forgotten about you, or will you face those obstacles head on–with a smile on your face, a pep in your step, and joy in your heart? This is a sobering thought.

Me smiling with blue blouse

Please don’t misunderstand me as I’m sharing this with you. I’m not always happy and bubbly when I go through difficult times. As a matter of fact, it would be safe to say that I need this blog post just as much as you do, if not more.

Pain Is Sometimes Needful

God convicts me of this very topic each time I worry, fret, and gravitate towards a depressive state. As a Christian, I know that letting my fears outweigh my faith is sin, but oftentimes, I fail in this area.

I’d be the first to admit that I absolutely DO NOT LIKE THE FEELING OF BEING HURT OR GOING THROUGH PAINFUL SITUATIONS, but sometimes pain is needful. Trials help us to be stronger. They are meant to strengthen our walk with the Lord.

If you want to grow closer to the Lord, you have to experience a few bruises along the way. Trust me, you will get through it if you don’t quit! I’m learning to trust the Lord in my trials, whether I understand it or not.

Instead of wasting the trial that God is trying to use to grow my faith, I have chosen to embrace each trial by maintaining the joy of the Lord, and putting a smile on my face even when I sometimes feel like crying (although crying is good at times).

Just A Little Smile Can Heal The Hurt

I’m learning more and more that smiling and laughter is the most wonderful medicine you can take. No anti-depressant pill can ever heal emotional pain like God can.  A little dose of happiness, joy, and a beautiful smile (show your pearly whites ladies!) is sometimes all you need to get through whatever you’re going through.

The Bible says, “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.” (Proverbs 17:22). Although medicine can sometimes be helpful if necessary, I truly believe God’s remedy for healing our pain (both emotionally and physically) is always best. He is the Great Physician!

Learn To Enjoy Life Through Tough Times

If you always find yourself feeling discouraged, depressed, and defeated  because of your circumstances, do yourself (and your kiddos) one huge favor…learn to SMILE! Worrying about your problems won’t change a thing about the situation (stepping on my own toes right here).

Blog Quote

Learn to enjoy your life through the tough times. Focus on the good things God is doing in your life. Enjoy your children. Spend time doing the things you love.

One of the things I love to do is eat chocolate ( and plenty of it…sugar free of course!). I also enjoy reading when I have some free time, watching old movies with the children, and just relaxing.

Love family laughter sign

Try to do things that will put a smile on your face. The key to enjoying life through difficult times is resting in the Lord and His promises. When you rest in the Lord, you learn to rely on Him to take care of whatever your need is in the situation.

It is at this point that you can truly have the victory that God wants you to have. Take your burdens to the Lord in prayer, and learn to smile! 😊

Do you find yourself focusing more on your problems, than on trusting the One who can solve your problems? Are you losing your happiness and joy in life? Learn to rest in the Lord each day. He will help you through the difficulties you face. Learn to smile and enjoy life. Smile, smile, smile my friend!😀

Leave a comment below if this post has helped you. Until next time…Happy Parenting!❤

  1. Susan Lippincott

    September 19, 2023 at 9:00 am

    You are, and always have been, such an example and source of encouragement to me and so many others, My Sweet Friend!!!! Keep letting your light shine . . . And SMILE!!! 🥰😊💕

    1. angelawp

      September 19, 2023 at 3:08 pm

      Thank you Susan! I need this post more than you know.❤️

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