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When Trials Seem too Heavy to Bear

As I’m writing this post today, my heart is heavy due to a personal tragedy that has hit our family. It has been one of the most painful, heartbreaking experiences of my entire life. And although I know God is real–that He is my God, and that He sits on the throne, the pain is still there. The heartache is so real. The trials of life seem too heavy to bear!

Life is Unpredictable

Life has a way of being very unpredictable. One minute you can be running along in life, then all of a sudden, you are blindsided without even knowing what hit you. The Bible says, Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth (Proverbs 27:1).

My quote

Never Say Never

It’s important to remember that in life, trials will come. Tragedies will happen when we least expect them. We should be careful to Never say Never! No matter who we are–what our background or social status is–we WILL all experience trouble.

A child of God is not exempt from problems. God’s Word clearly states that He (God) maketh his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust (Matthew 5:45). In other words, the Christian will face some sort of suffering in this life.

Lady with head in window

As my pastor has said many times, “You are in one of three places in life: You’re either in a trial, coming out of a trial, or headed into a trial.”  If you live long enough, you will face problems  somewhere along life’s journey. As a matter of fact, no one is exempt from the trials of life. Rest assured–they will come.

But Haven’t I Suffered Enough?

This can be a hard pill to swallow (at least for me). I tend to enjoy a life of ease. Sometimes I look over my life, and in my mind, I begin to reason with God about my problems. “Lord, haven’t I gone through enough heartache already?” “Haven’t I suffered enough pain during my childhood, years of separation that ended ultimately in divorce, an unexpected illness, and now this?” “Can I just get some kind of relief from the pain I am feeling?”

Have you ever been there? I think I’m there more often than I should be. Needless to say, there are times I feel like I’m at my Whits End!!! After all, I’m human, right? I mean…These questions sound justifiable, right?

Trials Are Needful

Ladies, we (I’m preaching to myself) need to allow God to work His own will and way in our lives–not our own. No one in their right mind ushers in a truckload of trials–but they are needful.

Without trials, we wouldn’t see victory! Sometimes God allows us to go through tragic events to actually see where our faith is really rooted. As a result of our reaction to these trials, God begins to show us just who or what we are really trusting in. Is it in our career, children, our own strength and abilities, or is it in the Lord?

Rely On God

The situation I am facing now is a test–the trying of my faith. It is at this very moment that I realize I must trust in the Lord. He can do the impossible! This burden that I face is something I CANNOT do on my own. I have to rely on God. This is the place God wants all His children to be in. Without the Lord, we can do nothing (John 15:5).

God is Faithful

In the midst of my tears–in the midst of my agony, God has begun a work in my heart.

Lady crying

I would be lying to you if I said I am not bothered by the heartache that has come my way. I honestly don’t know how long it will take for me to overcome this hurdle in life (maybe months, maybe even years). What I do know is this…God is faithful! He does all things well. My Savior says in His Word that He will never leave me, nor forsake me (Hebrews 13:5). He will not abandon my family. God always takes care of His own.❤

And even though this trial seems too heavy to bear, I know for sure that my God is there. I will shed many more tears.

Tear drops and roses

I will have days of sadness. But I won’t remain there because I know that my redeemer lives! He lives to make intercession for me each and every day (Hebrews 7:25).

God is There!

Take heart today Mama! If you’re going through a heavy trial, remember that God is there. He cares about you and what you are going through.

He is alive. And because He is alive, there is hope.

He may not take away your pain instantly, but he will lighten the load. Come to Jesus and let Him carry the load that was meant for Him to bear (Matthew 11:28-29) and not you. He will give you rest!

Are you facing a trial today? Is it too heavy for you to bear? Give it to the Lord today! Pray, read your Bible, and live for God each day. Keep loving your children, and being the Mama they need you to be.

Until next time…Happy Parenting!❤