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5 Things You Should Avoid as a Single Homeschool Mom

Note: This post contains affiliate links.

In a previous blog post, You Can Homeschool, I shared how I began my journey as a single homeschool mom.  I also gave a candid view of the real side of life as a homeschool mom doing it solo. If you are new to homeschooling as a single mom, I want to be the first to congratulate you on your decision!  As a single homeschooling mom for over a decade, let me assure you, it CAN be done (with the help of the Lord Jesus Christ!).

There will be days of joy–days of enlightening moments in the eyes of your child. But there will also be days of fear, anxiety, frustration, and tears (get your tissue box ready ladies).😢

Little girl writing

In this post today, I would like to encourage you in your new journey and share with you, 5 Things You Should Avoid as a New Single Homeschool Mom.

1. Avoid comparing your homeschool to someone else’s.

God made each person unique. He also made each family unique. It’s important to remember that your circumstances as a single homeschool mom may look quite different from that of a married homeschool mom.

Me in my red homeschool shirt

As with most single (divorced or widowed) moms who wish to homeschool, finding ways to earn a living while homeschooling is not an option; it’s a necessity!

For some it may mean working an early morning shift to be able to teach after you grab a quick nap to recharge before your school day begins. For others it may mean working an afternoon/evening shift (like in my case right now) in order for you to school during the day. Still others may choose to homeschool and work from home doing various home-based jobs such as home daycare (which I did for 11 years), blogging, selling products, baking, tutoring, and many other work from home opportunities.

*Check out my Pinterest board (Work from Home) for ideas on jobs you can do from home as a single homeschool mom.

**You can also join my Avon team to start earning cash right away!

Whatever your situation is, don’t compare your homeschool to someone else’s.  Always do what works for your family, and don’t get caught in the comparison trap!

2. Avoid trying to do it all. You’re not superwoman, so get rid of that cape!

Ok, I know I didn’t just write that. I think I just stepped on my own big toe! Seriously though, I’ve been down this road many times.  I’ve had plenty of times (too many that I am ashamed to admit) where I said yes to EVERYTHING! When my kids were younger, we were on the go a lot! From sports, to 4-H classes, church activities, library days, field trips, and park days–you name it, we were there.

It wasn’t until I fell almost deathly ill in 2013, that I had to come to grips with the fact that I CANNOT BE EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME. I ALSO CANNOT BE EVERYTHING TO EVERYBODY!  I need to focus on the things I can do, and leave the rest.

As a single mom (even more so as a single homeschool mom), our job is not easy! Most of the time we don’t have dad or someone else to help with rides to sporting events, music practice, or any other activity our kids are involved in. We have the responsibility of teaching lessons (academic and life lessons), working jobs, paying bills, grading papers, playing games with our kids, and a host of other things.

That’s a lot to do, and then some! You have a job to do, Single Homeschooling Mama! Learn the art of saying NO to some things (even if they are good things) in order to maintain your sanity (and health) as a single homeschool mom. Take off that cape!

3. Avoid buying costly curriculum if you can’t afford it.

This one is an easy one for me because quite honestly, my money is always funny (which a lack of it most times is not a laughing matter). Over the years, I have been truly blessed to find either good used curriculum from homeschool book sales, thrift stores, library discards, or from friends looking to clean out their shelves to make room for new books (I will gladly take them off your hands, thank you!). 😀

School books 2018

Because my budget is low the majority of times, I haven’t had many opportunities to purchase new curriculum. When I did, it was never a full set.  Please don’t let me discourage you. If you have the money to buy new curriculum, by all means go for it! There is nothing wrong with buying what you think your child will need for a successful homeschool year.

There are many homeschool curriculums out there. If you are completely new to homeschooling, I would suggest you research online the different options available.

However, if you’re on a really tight budget (like a beans & rice type budget…like me!), avoid buying costly curriculum. As I mentioned earlier, there are so many ways you can find good books and materials–either slightly used or discounted new items. One place I recommend searching for new  curriculum at super discount prices is Christian Book Distributors. (Click on the link below)

Homeschool curriculum

Books with apple

At Christian Book, you will find a variety of curriculum options by trusted names like Abeka, Saxon, Apologia, and more! Whether you buy new at discounted prices, used, or borrow materials from friends or family, you can give your children a good quality education from home.

***Note: When searching for options, don’t forget to check out online programs. Some are either free or  fairly inexpensive. You can also take advantage of things such as YouTube (one of my favorites!) or Netflix to supplement your program.

4. Avoid being too overconfident.

If I could give you one key point to remember as a new single homeschool mom (even more than the other three I mentioned), it would be this…don’t be too overconfident when it comes to your ability to homeschool your children. 

As homeschooling parents (single or not), we can sometimes feel like we can do this in our own strength (I’ve been there!). We can be guilty of thinking we can accomplish the task of educating our children without God’s help.

The truth of the matter is…we can do absolutely NOTHING (including homeschooling as a single) without the power of God! So as a single mom, the wise thing to do would be to seek the Lord first in all you do concerning your homeschool. From scheduling, to choosing curriculum, and everything in between–rely solely on the Lord. He is your source. He is your guide.

Trust in His abilities, and in His plan for your home & your school. At all costs, avoid being too overconfident.

5. Avoid the dangers of losing sight of your purpose or calling to homeschool when times get tough.

I saved this one for last because this is the heart and soul of why I wrote this post in the first place. I have a sincere passion for helping single moms find hope in their journey–especially single homeschooling moms.

I’m no stranger to the fact that life has a way of ushering in bitter days. There will sometimes be days of pain, tears, and frustration. Throughout my years of homeschooling as a single mom, I’ve faced numerous difficulties, and overcome many heart wrenching trials. But through those trials, I’ve grown stronger. My children have also grown in their faith, and will hopefully one day learn to trust the Lord in their own personal life struggles throughout adulthood.

As a new single homeschool mom, you will have so many happy, memorable times with your kiddos.

Me and my kiddos 2010

You will experience times of wonder as you gaze into the eyes of your little one as she recites her alphabets. There will be joy as your teenager finally tackles that geometry problem they’ve been stumped on for two days!

Keep in mind that in the midst of all the fun and excitement, there will be trials as well. You will face some difficult days in your homeschool. You may experience financial hardships, troubled children, health issues, and just real good old-fashioned down-to-earth problems. When you do, don’t lose sight of your purpose.

If you believe God has called you to homeschool, keep going when times get tough. God will give you wisdom & strength if you ask Him (James 1:5).

One of the biggest dangers of losing sight of your purpose during tough moments is that of “missed” blessings.  If you give up because of those trials, you may never see the blessing of God’s plan for your family. You may never see that plan come to true fruition. God has begun a wonderful work in your family, and He will complete it. Trust in God in your homeschool, and enjoy the journey!

Are you a new single homeschool mom or thinking about homeschooling as a single mom? Congratulations single mama! I’m so glad you have chosen to take on the responsibility of teaching your child from home. I admit, this is no easy road, but I am here to support you and encourage along your journey. Let’s enjoy the blessing of teaching our children from home together!

Feel free to leave me a comment and let me know how this post has helped you. Don’t forget to subscribe to my blog by signing up on my email list. You can also follow me on Twitter, Instagram, & Pinterest.

Until next time…Happy Parenting!❤

  1. Jesse Murphy

    August 30, 2018 at 8:43 pm

    Yes!!! This is great. I have been a single homeschooling mom since the beginning, and these are definitely the right tips! Great post!

    1. angelawp

      August 31, 2018 at 1:48 am

      Thanks Jesse! It’s always great to meet other single homeschooling moms sharing the same experiences. It can be a daunting task, but we can make it! 😊

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