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My Fibromyalgia Journey

Well, after four years of countless doctor’s visits, constant body pain, fatigue, and other unusual symptoms…I’ve been officially diagnosed with fibromyalgia! After much prayer and seeking God for wisdom during this difficult journey, I recently made an appointment to see a new primary care physician. My primary care doctor then referred me to a rheumatologist for further testing which led to my diagnosis. What a blessing it was to finally meet a doctor who actually listened to my concerns and cared for my needs.

Searching for Answers

I wish you could get a glimpse of my life just four years ago (my closest friends and family remember all too well!). Let me just say—I was a mess! A total basketcase! There were days I didn’t feel like getting out of bed. In fact, some days I homeschooled and tended to my daycare children on the couch (I was pitiful!).

Excruciating headaches, extreme fatigue, dizziness, muscle weakness, hot flashes, and several other weird symptoms were almost unbearable! I was emotionally and physically drained. I always felt as though I had a really bad flu I could never get rid of. I wanted my old life back! I was tired of being sick, depressed, and feeling sorry for myself. And so, the search began to find the source of all my woes, and to find a treatment plan that would work for me.

Because of all the frustration of being told by every doctor that I was ok—that all my bloodwork and other tests (MRI, head CT scans, x-rays,a spinal tap, and more) were good, and yet—the pain was still there…I decided to become my own patient advocate.

I began searching diligently for answers to this mysterious condition. I knew then that this would be no easy task, but I was determined. And so…four years later I can honestly say I’m on the mend! With the help of concerned friends, books about natural ways of healing the body, hours of searching on the internet, a strict vitamin/supplement regime, a gluten-free diet, and of course—Prayer, I’m well on my way to better health.

Feeling Relieved

I guess I should be somewhat disappointed after receiving such news, but to be frankly honest, I feel relieved! I know it might sound crazy, but it’s true. For years, I’ve struggled with the fact that I may be dealing with fibromyalgia, along with hormonal issues. Knowing what I’m dealing with is a lot better than not knowing. It gives me more of a piece of mind. At least now I know I’m not going crazy! 😄

My Perimenopause Symptoms Magnified—Thanks to Fibro

Hot flashes are no new thing to me (I felt my first one almost 11 years ago). When I began to develop other symptoms such as all over body pains (a classic symptom of fibromyalgia), it felt as though my perimenopause had gradually grown worse. The pain had become so severe, that I began to ask myself, “Could perimenopause be this bad?”

I’m fully aware of the fact that perimenopause is a period in life that every woman must face, if the Lord allows her to reach mid-life. I am no exception! I just believed there had to be another reason behind such profound perimenopause symptoms. My mind raced many days—wondering if I had developed some sort of dreadful disease. When the pain or symptoms got worse, I would immediately rush to the nearest ER. There were several incidents where I literally thought I was dying! But thankfully, I’m still here today and enjoying the life God has given me.

3 Things I’ve Learned from my Fibromyalgia

This journey has been a rough one to say the least. Some days are better than others (sunny days are my favorites). Here are 3 things I’ve learned along the way:

1. I’ve learned to trust God in the situation.

During the lowest, darkest times of my health journey, there were two verses that encouraged me the most: I John 5:1415 And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him. ~I asked for healing and I believed God would do it. My faith has been strengthened as well as my body. Hallelujah!

2. I’ve learned to know my limits.

I’m a very independent person by nature. I like to do things myself instead of asking others to help (pride is a terror thing). Having fibromyalgia has definitely changed this about me (which is good!). I’m learning not to be “superwoman.” I CANNOT do it all! My body tells me when enough is enough. When I need to sit, I sit. When I need to cancel an appointment, I will. I’m learning to say NO—and sometimes to good things, without feeling guilty. My body can only take so much…then it tells me, “That’s enough!” My goal each day is to do what I can, and leave the rest. As long as I’m pleasing the Lord and my family…I’m satisfied!

3. I’ve learned to watch what I eat.

For years, I’ve tried to incorporate a healthier diet for our family. This change took place due to blood pressure fluctuations, and a family history of diabetes and heart disease. Unhealthy foods were replaced with healthier food choices. I also changed the way I prepared my food (which made a huge difference).

Since then, we’ve managed to limit our consumption of fried, fatty foods. Because I have a history of stomach issues (IBS, ulcers), I’ve also decided to limit foods with gluten. I will not say I’m totally gluten-free at this point in my journey, but I try my best to stick with it as much as I can. I try to eat more lean meats, fruits, and vegetables. I also eat plenty of nuts for protein (especially almonds). Eating better helps me feel better—which is the ultimate goal. Better days are on the horizon!

Have you ever been diagnosed with fibromyalgia? I’d love to hear your testimony! Feel free to leave a comment. Don’t forget to follow me on Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Until next time…Happy Parenting!