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You Can Homeschool!

*Note: This post contains affiliate links.

There are many ways a parent can find themselves single, and being a single homeschooling parent is not uncommon. Whether it is the death of a spouse, divorce, or abandonment–many parents (especially moms) are faced with the responsibility of raising their children alone.

If you are homeschooling as a single mom, or thinking about it, I want to encourage you in your decision. You can homeschool! Homeschooling as a single mom is not an easy road, but it’s worth the sacrifice! In fact, I would say, it’s a blessed privilege to be able to teach your children from home.

Always realize you don’t have to do it alone just because you are single. With the help of family, friends, your local church, and a homeschool support group, you CAN homeschool successfully!

mother & son

How we Began Our Homeschooling Journey

Our homeschooling journey began in the fall of 2000, when my oldest son was nearly 2 years old. We chose to teach our children at home because we believed God called us to do so.

Pic of my kids

As the years went on, homeschooling became so much a part of our lives. The greatest blessing was being able to spend time with our four children–watching them learn and grow each day.

Broken Pieces, Shattered Dreams

During our seventh year of homeschooling, my family faced one of the worst trials we could have ever imagined. After eight years of marriage, my husband decided to leave the family and for us to live separately. My heart began to break into a million pieces!

Flower and broken glass

I immediately thought, “How could this happen to our family?” “What will happen to the children?” “Will I have to send them off to school now?”

All these thoughts and more raced through my troubled mind, but God spoke to my heart and uttered the words, “Be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10). From that moment, I knew that God was with us, that He had a plan, and He would work it all out. And 13 years later, He’s done just that!

Kids at Christmas 2019


Although I face numerous difficulties as a single working mother, I firmly believe homeschooling is the best educational choice for our family. I didn’t say it was the easiest. It’s certainly not popular by any means, but I’m so thankful the Lord is with us through this rewarding journey!😄

Blessings of Homeschooling as a Single Mom

I have to admit, homeschooling may not be for everyone. It takes a lot of sacrifice, discipline, organization, and just plain determination! Each day brings new challenges. Some days, I don’t feel like being mom and teacher. I feel disorganized, frazzled, and a complete failure!

There are many times I wish I didn’t have to wear a thousand hats (breadwinner, chauffeur, counselor, chef, teacher, etc…). But then I step back and realize, I must determine to put the Lord first in all I do.

He will make up for anything I’m lacking. Sometimes I feel like giving up and handing over the responsibility of teaching to someone else. As tempting as it may seem, quitting is not an option. We’ve come too far to turn back now. We’re pressing on! God’s precious rewards are waiting if we just stay in the race.

Teachable Moments

Homeschooling as a single mom has helped our family overcome many difficult situations. Whenever a crisis arises with one of my children, God shows me how I can use those “teachable moments” to help the children solve problems.

Because my children are together throughout the day, they learn how to develop closer sibling relationships. At any given moment, my house may sound like a “War Zone”… (especially with teenagers). Thankfully, we’re able to work out each problem through prayer and scriptures.

I’m all about making sure my children have a good foundation in their education.

Alphabet pic

But beyond academics, I would say without a doubt, that character training is the most important aspect of our what we do each day.

It’s during those moments when I can impart a spiritual truth into the hearts of my children, that I find to be one of the greatest blessings in my decision to continue homeschooling as a single parent.


Character training is vital, but always remember our children need the Lord. Sometimes children will fail. Because of sin, they fall short like each one of us, but it’s important for parents to lay a strong, solid foundation based upon God’s Word for them to stand on. This is my favorite part of homeschooling.

How to Stay the Course

So how can a single mom homeschool successfully? Here are some helpful tips that can help you stay the course in your homeschooling journey :

  • Pray and rely on the Word of God for strength, wisdom, and guidance.
  • Learn to accept where God has your family at this time, and glorify Him right where you are.
  • Love your children! Laugh and play with them often.
  • If you’re divorced or separated, teach your children to always love and respect their dad.
  • Get your family involved in ministry activities. Teach them how to have a servant’s heart.♡
  • Have family devotion with your children daily (Bible reading & prayer). It’s a good idea to pray out loud for their dad.
  • Teach your children how to teach themselves. This will not only help lighten your load (especially homeschooling multiple aged children), but it also teaches them responsibility. Keep in mind, they will one day become an employee, a wife, a husband, and parent.
  • Order used curriculum, borrow books from friends/library, or use the internet if money is tight. I absolutely love using the internet for supplementing our homeschool. YouTube is our favorite!
  • Get involved in a good Bible believing church (this is vital). It’s also good to connect with a homeschool support group (both have been a tremendous blessing to our family).
  • Read, Read, Read! Learn from those who have gone before you.
  • Enjoy learning together!

*Note: I recommend starting your research into homeschooling laws, curriculum options, etc through HSLDA (Aka…Home School Legal Defense Association)

Library visit

Are you a single homeschool mom or considering homeschooling while single? You can do it! You’re not alone.

If this post has helped you, please leave a comment. I’d love to hear from you! Until next time…Happy Parenting!❤