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Inside the Heart of a Single Homeschool Mom

Let me start off by saying, I am no expert when it comes to the area of homeschooling. I guess you can consider me a veteran because we’ve been on this journey for seventeen years. But let me assure you, I don’t hold the title of…Best Homeschooling Mom of the Century! 🏆

As a matter of fact, I follow many successful homeschooling bloggers whom I admire with the deepest admiration. They always inspire me! They offer helpful tips, curriculum advice, and other important things related to homeschooling.

I wish I had all the wisdom these beautiful ladies have when it comes to sharing valuable resources to the homeschooling community. One day I may be blessed to be in a position to do so.

In the meantime, it’s great to be able to share my heart with you—to let you take just a glimpse into my life—the life of a single homeschooling mom. To show you the passion God has placed in my heart for this amazing calling!

My God Makes All Things Possible!

Homeschooling as a single mom can be very challenging to say the least. There are many times I feel like such a failure as a mom—like I cannot take it being single anymore, let alone homeschooling! If you’ve followed my blog, you would know I didn’t begin this homeschooling journey as a single (I’m sure there are many single moms who have). I long for the days where I can have a spouse to share all the ups and downs of this wonderful experience of raising children from home full-time—but for now, my heart is content.

I wish I could open my heart and show you just how much I am committed (by God’s grace) to finishing what I started in faith years ago. And although I am single—and the road is difficult, I know God has placed this calling on my life so that He can be glorified—to show the world that with God, all things are possible!

Three Heartfelt Reasons Why I Still Homeschool as a Singlemom

If there was ever a reason for me to stop homeschooling and send my kiddos to school, it would have been back in July of 2007. We had gone through the tragedy of watching my husband walk away from our family after eight years of marriage. Our life was turned completely upside down!

Those early days were spent weeping and praying—begging God to help us. It was at that point where I could have given up. As a matter of fact, there were times then (and sometimes now) where I thought it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to board the children on the next yellow school bus that passes by. 😜

In all honesty though—I love homeschooling my kids! And not for homeschooling sake (in identifying with a group of people). I love being a homeschooling mom—the good, the bad, and the ugly. Is it always easy and fun? Of course not! I would be lying to you if I said our journey was simple.

Most days is far from simple. Not only do I have the responsibility of teaching my children from home, I’m the breadwinner of the family (working from home as a daycare provider). So yes—it can be a hair pulling experience some days! But if you ask me do I regret my job as a full-time mom and teacher to my children—the answer would be absolutely NOT!

One thing I can truly say is THANK YOU LORD! I’m forever grateful to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for allowing me the privilege (it is indeed a privilege) to walk alongside my children each and every day—through the laughter, heartaches, and tears. 😢

I find no greater blessing in my life (apart from salvation and seeing a lost sinner come to know the Lord) than to watch my children grow each day—to bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). What a blessing it is! My heart is full!❤

Here are 3 Reasons Why I’m Committed to the Call:

  1. I continue to homeschool as a single mom because I love the Lord. I love the fact that He gave His life for me when He chose to die on the cross for my sins. Because I believe God has called me to be a homeschool mom, I desire to obey the Lord in teaching my children, leading them to the Lord, and making our home a place where they can be discipled (teach them to grow in their Christian walk).
  2. I desire to have a strong relationship with each of my children. Because divorce can be so traumatic on a family (especially the children), I have found it to be a tremendous blessing by continuing to homeschool. This decision has kept our family connected. We can talk openly with one another. We can deal with serious matters of the heart because I’m with them throughout the day. This goes beyond academics (although academics is important).
  3. Lastly, I continue homeschooling as a single because I absolutely LOVE my children!!! Now don’t get me wrong ladies. Big news flash right here…My children are from planet earth! They make plenty of mistakes. They’re loud, sometimes rude to each other, and they love to argue! What child doesn’t? But the truth of the matter is…I love being around my children. I enjoy their company. They make me laugh. They make me cry. They even give me a headache sometimes (where’s the ibuprofen when you need it??!!!). Seriously though, I love my four rotten kids! I enjoy their presence.😊

Wonderful Grace of Jesus (He Alone Is Worthy)

Sharing my heart for homeschooling as a single mom is not out of arrogancy. I know that if it wasn’t for the grace of God, I couldn’t possibly continue this blessed adventure. But because of God (and only Him), what man thinks is impossible, God says is possible through Him (Luke 1:37).

So in spite of my own doubts and fears—or the critical eye of skeptics, our journey will continue (if the Lord wills for it to continue). My heart is fixed. I’m trusting in the Lord to lead me. I’m trusting in Him to guide me. I want God’s light to shine in our homeschool. So that in the end, all those who come behind me (other single homeschool moms) can marvel. Not marvel at me or our family—but at what God can do with a surrendered heart and life to His call (whatever that call might be). To God be all the glory! Amen!❤

Are you a single homeschooling mom? Do you believe God has called you to homeschool your children even though you don’t have a spouse? Do you have a heart to minister to the needs of your children? Let me assure you, God can and will help you through your journey! If He’s called you to it, He will see you through it. Trust Him to lead the way!

I’d love to hear from you ladies! Until next time…Happy Parenting!❤