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Homeschooling 101: Preparing Your Graduate for Success!

What comes to your mind when you hear the word, “homeschooling?” Some may think of it as being exciting, easy, or a stroll in the park—figuratively speaking (although you can incorporate fun walks in the park into your homeschool…lol!). Others may view it as being too difficult, time consuming, and even a waste of time and energy.

Let me just go on record for saying that, with the exception of homeschooling being a waste of time and energy, I have seen all to be true in our family. We’ve had exciting times, easy times (elementary years), and yes, time consuming it is (for sure!).

I’ve also seen days of difficulties—days that made me wonder if I was truly called to do this (have you been there?). Homeschooling is definitely a huge undertaking! It takes countless hours of prayer, preparation, and dedication to stay the course.

Although my life is far from perfect— as a single homeschool mom, I take my calling very seriously. And such should be true for every homeschooling parent.

It is our God given responsibility to not only equip our children with the necessary academic skills they need to be successful, but more importantly, it is our responsibility to prepare them to be successful in the Lord. Not the world’s definition of success, but God’s plan for true success ( love and reverence for God, loving others, serving others).

Remember…your babies won’t be babies for long. Graduation will come someday. Are you preparing your children for this stage of life? Are you teaching them valuable principles that are crucial to them becoming wonderful, God fearing, responsible adults? It’s never too early to start.

My First Homeschool Graduate…We Made it!

I can’t believe it’s been two weeks since my oldest son graduated from high school. As of May 6th, his homeschooling journey has officially ended! Whoop! Whoop!

No more lessons on the laptop, lectures from mom during the middle of the school day (my kids absolutely love my lectures…lol), and no more high school football/basketball practices and games (I still get to enjoy games with my other two boys…yay!!!).

Homeschooling has been very challenging for us, especially the past ten years. My son has seen first hand what it is really like to trust God for our daily bread. He has seen the struggles. He has also seen the victories! Life has indeed brought a host of challenges (separation, divorce, illness, etc) into the Emmons home, to say the least.

But amidst all the challenges, we’ve experienced God’s amazing grace! My son and I will forever hold onto all the precious memories God has blessed us to make over the past eighteen years.

Now it’s time for this Mama bird to let her little birdie take up his wings and fly! Trust me, it’s not easy. In fact, I would say this time in my life is bittersweet.

It seems like only yesterday I was teaching my little boy how to read, write, and do math (you know—the famous 3 R’s!). And now, he’s all grown up. Graduation is over. Next up… College! Goodness gracious, where has the time gone?!!😭

My prayer now is that God would let the seeds that have been sown into my son’s heart—that they would begin to germinate. I pray that I have done all that I can possibly do to prepare him for the journey ahead.

I hope he has learned how to love the Lord above anything this temporal world has to offer. I’m a firm believer in teaching my children the value of hard work (they have to earn a living), but making money is not the main objective. True success is not how much money you can store up in your local bank.

I want my kids to love God above anything or anyone else. And by loving God, they will love and and serve others. It seems like an impossible task in our crazy, mixed up world (violence, sexual immorality, dishonor for sacred things, etc.).

I’m determined to not let this world discourage me from doing the impossible. God does the impossible! He also reminds me of this one truth:

Pic of my kids when little

When you’ve done all you can do as a parent, leave the rest to God. This is such an amazing truth! I’m trusting in the Lord to guide my children (His heritage) by his mighty hand.

How You Can Help Your Graduate Succeed in Life

If you are a homeschooling mom (or even considering homeschooling), I want to challenge you today to make it a top priority to teach your kids what true success means. Success is not in the curriculum we choose, or what activities we get our kids involved in.

I have been guilty of focusing so much on curriculum choices, extracurricular activities, making meals, and the never-ending list of things that must be done in our homeschool.

A mother’s work is never done! But I’m constantly reminded of what’s most important. My children will leave from my care one day. Have I taught them to fear the Lord? That’s the key! 😊

Not only is it important to have academically, emotionally, physically, and socially sound children—our children must be spiritually sound as well ( I believe this is most important).

Practical Ways to Ensure Success

Here are some practical things you can do in order to ensure your graduate’s true success:

  • Read the Bible daily with your kids (even when they are teenagers). Also read books about personal growth with them. If you fail some days because life gets busy, don’t fret! Pick up where you left off, and try again. Don’t give up!
  • Pray with and for your kiddos every day. Pray for their salvation, and that their hearts would always remain tender towards the things of God.
  • Attend a Bible-believing church together, faithfully. This is vital!
  • Serve together through various church ministries and local community organizations.
  • Live the Christian life at home! A lot more is caught than what is taught. Our kids are watching our walk with the Lord. Maintain a godly atmosphere in the home.

These are just a few things I’ve done over the years with my children. You will fall short at times (I’m not always where I need to be as a parent), but you can do it! And when it’s all said and done—when your graduate walks down the isle to receive their diploma and turns that tassel—you can have the confidence in knowing you’ve done your very best! You’ve prepared your homeschool graduate for true success…in Christ! And this verse will be fulfilled…

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.~Proverbs 22:6

Do you desire to see your child succeed (in the Lord) at the end of their homeschooling journey? God can help you if you trust Him and follow His Word.

I’d love to hear from you! Until next time…Happy Parenting!❀

✨Here’s an update from last years post: I recently graduated my second child from homeschool…my beautiful daughter! Here are just a few pics from her big day!

Daughter's graduation