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Three Ways to Embrace Your Role as a Mom

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Let’s face it, being a mom is hard work! As mothers, we have the blessed opportunity to gently care for and nurture what I believe to be, God’s most precious creations–children. And no matter how hard we think being a mother is, we can learn to embrace our God-given role, and enjoy life the way God intended for us to enjoy it–more abundantly!

Congratulations! It’s a Boy! Now What?

I remember the excitement I felt when I delivered my oldest son. How I could not wait to finally have the chance to hold him in my arms, after being in labor with him for four days!!?? Yes! I labored four days in constant grief and agony. I was completely miserable! 😥

But, after the anguish of days of labor was over, here he was. He was simply beautiful! As I gazed into this sweet boy’s eyes with amazement, I also felt great apprehension.

picture of my baby

I began to wonder what on earth was I going to do with him. I thought  to myself, “How could I possibly give him all the love that he so desperately needed, when I didn’t know how to barely care for my own needs.” A feeling of helplessness came over me. Only God could ease the doubts I was experiencing.

A few short months after my son was born, a miracle happened! God reached down into my sinful soul, drew me to himself, and saved me. Glory to God! Not only did I become a new mom to an adorable baby–I also became a new-born baby (in Christ). This was all in God’s wonderful plan for my life as I began my journey of motherhood to this sweet, precious little boy. ☺

God’s Plan for you as a Mom

God has a unique plan for each of our lives. If you are a mom (whether birth mother or adoptive), you are highly important to God. From birth until age 18 (and beyond in most cases), God has entrusted mothers with the responsibility of not only taking care of the basic needs of their child (food, clothing, shelter), but we are also obligated to impart wisdom into their lives.

It is through God’s wisdom that our children can grow up to not only become productive citizens in our world, but adults who possess something far greater than anything this world could ever offer them–godly character.

Whether you have one child, or a house full of kiddos–you have a job! And not just any job. You have one of the most important jobs ever given to mankind–to bring up the next generation for the glory of God.

God’s Reward as You Embrace Your Role as a Mom

Children are an heritage of the Lord (Psalm 127:3). They ultimately belong to God. If God has given you babies to raise, embrace your duty! Don’t look for someone to praise you for the work you are doing with your children. You may never be recognized as an outstanding mother on this side of eternity. Rest assured mom–God is watching.😊

He knows the labor of love you show towards your children. You have a greater reward in heaven waiting just for you! You may not see any monetary rewards here on earth–but the eternal rewards far exceeds any amount of material gain on earth. Be encouraged! God is watching everything you do, and will reward your faithfulness.

Three Ways to Embrace Mommyhood

As you can see, God has given each of us an awesome responsibility. Each day I wake up, I ask the Lord for strength as I teach, train, and instruct my children for His glory. I don’t want to just survive as a mom. I want to THRIVE!

If you’re going to enjoy the journey–to embrace motherhood–here are three things I believe you should do each day:

1. Develop a habit of letting God lead your day when it comes to raising your children. Apart from God, you have no strength or wisdom to teach, train, and instruct your children in the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6). Read the Bible and pray diligently each day. Talk to the Lord throughout the day. He’s always there to help you!

pic of praying hands

2. Embrace positive self-talk, not negative. Don’t listen to the lies of Satan. He will try to get your mind focused on how bad of a mom you are–that you’re inadequate, and that your children are hopeless in this world. I repeat—DO NOT listen to Satan’s lies! Remember the first point? If we allow God to lead us, it is Him doing the work, not us. God never fails, so if God lives in us as Christian mothers, then we won’t fail (in Christ). Tell yourself, “I CAN do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” (Philippians 4:13).

3. When you fall, get up!  Just in case you have forgotten, you are human. You make mistakes. I make a ton of them everyday! We will fail sometimes in our parenting. Failure is a given when you’re on the ladder of success. As you climb the ladder of success in the area of parenting, and when you mess up, realize  where you have fallen. Get back up quickly. Dust your feet off (or backside I should say☺), and keep going! Start from where you are. It’s great to learn from past mistakes and failures, but don’t let failure define you. You’re a winner!🏆


Are you feeling hopeless as a mom? Do you feel as though your job is unimportant? Do you often feel unnoticed? Realize, God is your biggest cheerleader! He is always there rooting for you. Embrace your role as a mom!

I hope this post was an encouragement to someone today. Drop me a few lines if this post has helped you. I’d love to hear from you. Until next time…Happy Parenting!❤

  1. Eartha Strong

    May 13, 2017 at 6:22 pm

    This is beautiful!

    1. Angela

      May 13, 2017 at 6:24 pm

      Thanks Eartha! You are an amazing Mom. Keep serving the Lord as you serve your sweet babies.

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