Disclosure: This site may contain affiliate links. You are under NO OBLIGATION TO PURCHASE any item, however, if you do choose to click and purchase a product from an affiliate link, I will be compensated a commission, which will help support my family. Thanks!😊


Hello everyone! I just wanted to highlight some of the amazing products we are offering in Campaign 13. I’m excited and eager to try our new Espira wellness line of naturally sourced supplements.

When I joined Avon back in April, I was absolutely thrilled to see that we offer not only fabulous beauty products that will make you “dazzle,” but also products to aid you in making better choices for a healthier lifestyle! Needless to say, buying Espira is definitely on my wish list!😊

So as you browse through our brochure, don’t forget to check out other fine products like jewelry, skin care, bath & body, fashions, and more!

Don’t forget Father’s Day is June 17th! Order the perfect gift for dad from my online store.

As always…If you order a minimum of $40, you will receive FREE SHIPPING! Your order will be shipped directly to your door.

Also, take advantage of my first time online customer code, WELCOME10 to receive 10% off ANY SIZE order.