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Just Doing the Next Thing

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Just doing the next thing?  You may be asking yourself, “What does she mean by that?” “The next thing for me to do right now would be going to put the laundry in the wash that has been sitting in the middle of my floor for a week now!”  That’s what some of you may say.

Or some of you may be thinking, “Umm…I guess the next thing for me to do would be to be to start dinner before my hungry crew comes in from school.”

News flash: WE LIVE IN A COMPLICATED WORLD!  It seems like everything around us is grabbing for our attention.  It’s also true that our lives as single moms can be super busy (to say the least).  The next thing on our agenda could be the things I mentioned, or a plethora of other mundane things on our “to-do list.”

A Single Mom’s Responsibility

What I’m talking about in this post today goes far beyond the everyday list of things that need to be accomplished on a daily basis. As a single mom (especially those without financial help from the absent father), we have the responsibility (sometimes overwhelming) of financially supporting our family.

We’re also responsible for making sure our children receive the proper skills needed to succeed well into adulthood.  We should focus on these things because they are necessary no doubt.

My question to you is simply this…“What do you do when plans have failed, trials have come, and your world has been turned completely upside down?”  

What do you do when life suddenly takes an unexpected turn? You simply…JUST DO THE NEXT THING!

Going Into Panic Mode

If you’re anything like me, you may sometimes find yourself in a total sense of despair–a place where you feel as though your life will never be the same again.  I’ve been in this very place many times in my Christian walk.  Usually my first reaction when trials come my way is to totally PANIC! 

Woman in panic

Some trials can throw you right into panic mode very quickly without ever having a moment to blink!  These troubling times can ultimately thrust you into a different place in life–a place of unfamiliarity.

That’s where I’ve been for the past year of my life.  I’ve faced the unexpected in a way I never could have imagined.  My whole life has literally changed as a result of the circumstances our family has gone through, but in the middle of this trial, I’ve seen God’s hand.

I Hate Change!

Change can be devastating.  I like things to remain stable–more constant.  I DO NOT  handle change very well.  But what I’ve learned in the midst of my struggles is to accept change–to embrace unfamiliar waters.  I’ve also learned this one important truth that has encouraged me along life’s difficulties…to just do the next thing!

What I Learned From A Ladies Conference

The trial I’m facing now has not been the only devastating thing I’ve ever encountered as a Christian, or as a single mom.  And if God allows me to continue growing to a ripe old age (I’m middle-aged now, and I look good girls…Lol!), I will face more struggles along the way.

As I look back a few years ago, I was facing a hard time just getting a grip on this single mom life.  During this particular time, our single moms Sunday School class had the privilege of hearing a well-known blogger named Crystal Paine speak at a ladies conference here in our city.  I actually had never heard of her prior to the conference, so I was in for a real treat!

What I heard that day was AMAZING!!!

As she shared her testimony so candidly, I could feel God’s presence in the room.  I felt as though I was the only one in the room, and God was talking specifically to me.  She said things like, “You are Enough!”  Thank God that I am enough! God used Crystal to speak straight to my heart in such a way that I knew it was God.

Not only did she share this idea of being more than enough in Christ, she also emphasized the importance of just doing the next thing.  When life gets difficult, do the next thing!

Just Keep Doing the Next Thing Mama

That has stuck with me ever since that day.  Life has thrown me some curved balls since that meeting, and this simple statement has kept me grounded.  What the next thing has meant for me has been to just remain faithful–to just keep doing what God has called me to do.

I truly still believe God has called me to continue homeschooling, despite all the obstacles.  And so although the way we began homeschooling 18 years ago looks a lot different from what it does now, we are still in the trenches.

I know that I should remain faithful to the Lord regardless of the circumstances I encounter.  The next thing would be to keep reading my Bible and praying daily.  Attending church and giving are also things I must do continually.

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And yes, doing the mundane things like laundry, grocery shopping, working, and all the things that go along with raising my family must continue.  I can throw my hands up and say, “That’s it! I quit!”  Believe you me, I’ve felt like this many days. But if I quit, what would happen to my kiddos?  They’re watching me.  All four of my children are depending on me to stay in the ship and not jump overboard!  And even though they’re growing up (I have 2 adult children now…wow, time flies!), they still need me to stand firm.

Remember Mama that your children are watching you as well.  They’re depending on you to stay the course.  Maybe their dad walked out on the family (as did my ex) and left you to carry the load.  Guess what?  Your kids notice all the sacrifices you’ve made, and the tears you’ve cried.  They look to you to just keep doing the next thing.  They don’t want to see yet another parent fail them.  I know this isn’t fair.  I know it’s a hard pill to swallow, but you are possibly their only hope.  Be the mama that your babies need you to be.


Let God take care of the complicated things this world throws your way.  Continue loving your kids unconditionally.  Leave room for growing grace for yourself when you make mistakes.  Hard times may cause grief and pain, but give it to the Lord. Don’t remain in a state of grief. Move on in your Christian walk.

Live your life in bite-size pieces. Set goals, but realize God has a right to change those plans. Don’t worry about what you need to do six months from now. Keep your life simple by just taking one single day at a time.  Practice each day just doing the next thing!

Are you struggling with the difficulties you face as a single mom?  This world is complicated.  We will have troubles, but we need to simplify our lives by remembering to just do the next thing.  Keep raising your kids, and leave the rest up to God.

I’d love to hear how this post has helped you today.  If you would, leave a comment below.  Until next time…Happy Parenting!

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