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The Joys of Spring Break

Spring is in the air! This week is our family’s spring break, and so far, it’s been fun! A trip to Disney would be nice. 🙂 But for now, since we’re not financially able to take a huge trip—fun, relaxing days have been the highlight of our break. Maybe we’ll take a trip to the beach (which is an hour away), or go for a nature walk.

Regardless of whether we take a trip or not, just the thought of my kids being “free” from working on their laptops and math books, brings a pep in my step. Freedom is good!

Take Time to Smell the Roses


It’s always great to break from the everyday routine of doing the same thing over and over again. I’m thankful for breaks in our homeschool.

I seldom get a long break from work (I will have Monday off…yay!), but school breaks are always fun! It’s a wonderful feeling knowing my children and I can just enjoy relaxing without the shadow of school lessons hovering over us (don’t get me wrong, I LOVE SCHOOL!). It’s time to enjoy spring. To enjoy God’s beauty. It’s time to “smell the roses!”

A Few of My Favorite Things

As I look around my house, I can find a million things that desperately need to be done during our break—mile high laundry to wash & fold, windows to be finished, baseboards to be done, and…I think I’ll stop there (housework is never done!).

I know this might sound as though I’m a lazy bum, but the truth is—I don’t want to even think about ALL the tedious things that are still undone. They will get done, but not all of my list will be completed this week. Instead, I’m spending time doing some of my “favorite” things (mostly reading, writing on several posts at one time, and hanging out with the kids).

Since our school will not resume until next Tuesday, I’ve also been trying to take advantage of the outdoors (when the weather is nice). What a wonderful time I’ve had watching the squirrels running, the birds singing, and the children playing. I love this time of year! 🙂

A Time of Rest

It’s so amazing to see God at work in my life each day. He shows me how precious life is, and sometimes, I take life for granted. Because of my changing mind and body (due to perimenopause), my body won’t allow me to work it as hard as I had done in the past. I absolutely must rest or my body will shut down.


As a result of all the hormonal woes (I wish I could get my old body back!) I’ve experienced in the past few years, I’m learning more and more, that times of rest are so needful (without a doubt), not only in my life, but in the lives of my children. It’s a time to refresh ourselves. To recharge. To regroup. To reevaluate our lives and determine what’s working and what’s not.


Take that Hat Off!


A mother often wears an enormous amount of hats, and as a result—our bodies tend to wear and tear rapidly (I speak this from experience). Come what may, we MUST rest! If the Lord Jesus thought it was important to get rest (Mark 6:31), so should we.


I encourage every mom reading this to find time in your busy day to REST . Take time to “smell the roses.” Find rest in God’s Word, enjoy doing things you like (for me, it’s reading, writing, and watching old movies/TV shows), and enjoy your babies!

Try This Easy Spring Craft!

I absolutely love, love crafts! But I have a confession to make—I’m horrible at making them! Sure, I can follow instructions, cut, glue, and all the other neat things that go along with creating crafts, but…I will repeat—I’m horrible—and that’s ok!

Since I’m more of the “get it done,” “sit down and do school ” type of mom, the Lord has given me a wonderful, creative daughter that not only has the know how for crafting (thanks to Pinterest & her brilliant mind), but she LOVES it!

With Easter just a few days away, we found this easy craft and decided to give it a try. It came out better than we expected. Try this with your preschooler today.


Materials Needed:

▪ regular size popsicle sticks (plain)

▪ white copy paper or white construction paper

▪ pink foam sheets

▪ Glue

▪ small googly eyes

How important are times of rest in your life? What about, in the lives of your children? In our society, we can become overwhelmed with our everyday duties. Take time to rest—to recharge. Leave a comment in the comment section below. I’d love to hear from you! Until next time…embrace the season, get rest…Happy Parenting!♡

  1. Joyce Brooks

    March 25, 2016 at 11:09 pm

    What wise advice! Also, how wise of you to make the most of the moments you have with your children. They will be gone one day, living their lives with their families. You will be able to say that you gave them your best. Congrats to you being a superb mom!😍

    1. Angela

      March 25, 2016 at 11:15 pm

      I’m trying to enjoy and savor the moments. They are going fast! Next year my oldest will graduate and my baby is almost 11. It’s a lot of hard work being a parent, especially a single parent, but the Lord is so good! It’s so great to be a child of the King! Love you precious lady!♡

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