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The Case of Mr. Frog


“No, No!” “It’s dark out there!” “He’s out there, mama!” “I’m scared!” This is the desperate cry of Thomas (my ten-year-old son) whenever he decides to take out the garbage at night. Most times, there’s a constant struggle just trying to convince him that he will be fine. Of course, he turns a deaf ear and insist that there’s a real impeding danger lurking outside our back door, just waiting to get him!



Mystery Solved

Until I finally accepted the fact that this was a serious issue Thomas was dealing with, I would always ask myself, “Why is he so afraid of this?” “I mean, after all, it’s just a tiny…FROG?!!


In my mind, I always picture Thomas as being this brave little boy that could take on the world with his bare hands (he’s quite a tough little fella!). But just the thought or mention of a green, scaly, frog makes him cringe inside. His crippling fear of frogs makes this Mama grow a few more gray hairs; which seems to be literally overnight!

I know you may be wondering why I become so annoyed at my son’s fear of Mr. Frog? To justify myself, I would explain the fact that, as a mother raising three boys without a father, I always try my best to encourage them to be strong, macho, and courageous. You know, a mom just doesn’t want her boy to grow up to be a whinny wimp! While that’s sounds like a worthy cause, and in some ways needful, the way I encourage them can be wrong. In reality, it can become more harmful in the end.

With this thought in mind, my natural reaction to Thomas’ cowardly behavior has been far from sympathetic. Most times I would shout, “Calm down…dry up all the tears!” My tone of voice and expression would portray a sense of annoyance. How unkind of me! As a mother, I should be more sensitive, but deep within my heart, my desire is to produce strong boys which will in turn, lead to strong men. The case of Mr. Frog has changed my way of seeing how I should handle the fear issue with my children.

What happened a few weeks ago changed my whole attitude towards the situation. God started dealing with me about my own personal fears that I need to give to Him so that it won’t cripple my life. I have a long way to go, but I’m so glad God loves me enough to correct me when I need it.

My Fears Exposed

So you see, through my son’s experience, my heart was challenged to overcome the “frogs” in my world. And it’s funny because, God had to enlighten my eyes through the wise words of my mother. When she approached me about the situation, it mattered not to her that I was forty-four years old with four children. My Mama let me have it! In so many words, she let me see that this was Thomas’ fear. We all have certain things we’re afraid of. For me, it’s busy highways, mice, snakes, spiders, and the list goes on and on.


At that moment, I took her words to heart because I realized, there are a lot more things I fear more than minor things like highways, spiders, or even Frogs! In all reality, I live in constant fear. Fear of the unknown in regards to how my children will turn out once they reach adulthood. Will they live for the Lord and remember those things they’ve been taught all their lives? Will I ever find happiness in a marriage again, or will I remain in the “single club” for the rest of my life? Will my children marry the right person?

Fear about my health. Fear about finances. Fear my children will make it in the world after homeschooling all their lives. Just fear of almost everything! Worry, worry, worry! That’s my middle name (I’m was born with no middle name…lol) 🙂

So how do we stop the vicious cycle of fear? Run to the Word of God and put it to practice! Time and time again, God’s Word tells us to be strong; fear not; be courageous. Joshua 1:6 says, “Be strong and of a good courage.”These are powerful words from an all powerful God. He knows that we are just dust that He formed with his own hands and breathed life into (Genesis 2:7). After the fall of man, it’s been in our nature to live in constant fear and worry. But as a Christian, we are commanded to trust the Lord. That’s what I always tell my children to do, but am I always trusting the Lord like I should? I want to so desperately! Like that old children’s song:

He’s still working on me

To make me what I ought to be

It took Him just a week to make the Moon and Stars

The Sun and the Earth

And Jupiter and Mars

How loving and patient He must be

He’s still working on me.

Praise the Lord!

Do you struggle with constant fear and worry? Give it to the Lord today! May the Lord give you peace. Until next time…Happy Parenting! ♡

  1. Joyce Brooks

    January 20, 2016 at 4:48 am

    This is an excellent article, Angie! How inspiring and thought provoking! Keep up the good work. God,mourn Father is soo proud of you!

    1. Angela

      January 20, 2016 at 5:30 am

      Thanks Mrs. Joyce! The Holy Spirit is teaching me. I love sharing how God is working on me. I’m proud of you too!♡

  2. Tracy Breland

    January 20, 2016 at 2:05 pm

    This so good! Thank you for sharing your heart and allowing the Lord use you to be a blessing and encouragement to others! You have a precious family❤️.

    1. Angela

      January 20, 2016 at 6:22 pm

      Thanks Mrs. Breland! The Lord is so good to us, isn’t he? I’m thankful to have you as a friend. You’re an even greater encouragement to me, more than you know!

  3. Monica

    January 20, 2016 at 2:31 pm

    Thanks so much Angie. I’m Facing the fears by acknowledging and following God’s Word. We know fear is not of God, with that being said, I must face and erase. It’s not easy but can be done. When all is done, I will no longer be affected the sameway when fear pops up. I will be able tp pray and get past it. There will always be residue. The enemy likes to remind us if our fears but with God we will be able to successfully put fear in it’s place by rebuking the enemy and refusing to let it handicap us. I. Know because there are some fears I have faced successfully. Great Post!!

    1. Angela

      January 20, 2016 at 6:20 pm

      Yes Monica, I agree. It’s easier to fear than trust God. We’re on a journey to be more like Christ each day. Let’s pray for His power. Thanks for the encouragement!

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